knock it off!|knock it off in English

stop it! quit doing that!

Use "knock it off!|knock it off" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "knock it off!|knock it off" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "knock it off!|knock it off", or refer to the context using the word "knock it off!|knock it off" in the English Dictionary.

1. Knock it off.

2. You two lovers better knock it off.

3. Andrew, knock it off for a bit.

4. Let's knock off now.

5. Is it OK if I knock off a little early tonight?

6. Let's knock off for lunch.

7. I don't knock off until six.

8. What time do you knock off?

9. You've been whistling that same tune all morning. Knock it off, will you?

10. What time do you knock off ( work )?

11. I'll knock your head off, you hear?

12. Anything could knock him off his perch.

13. I usually knock off at about six.

14. I'm going to knock off early today.

15. Would you two knock it off with the loud noise? I'm trying to sleep.

16. It cost me 10 but I'll knock off 20% as it's no longer new.

17. They knock each other off like beer cans off a fence.

18. My health compels me to knock off work.

19. When do you usually knock off for lunch?

20. Tapia's starting to knock off Russian mob bosses.

21. Next time I'll knock your damn head off.

22. He was planning to knock off the library.

23. When pressed they knock off 10 per cent.

24. Let's knock off for a cup of tea.

25. Do you want to knock off early today?